
What are we all about?

In short

Our services include Decentralized Finance Solutions, tokenization and smart contracts, real estate portfolio asset digitalization, NFTs and Multimedia Solutions.


Our mission is to fuel our experience in Finance, IT, Media and Blockchain industries into smart platforms with multi-functional solutions. With the help of blockchain technology and smart contracts, we can autonomize the whole process and digitalize it according to legal standards.


Our vision is to urge sustainability and climate-neutral technologies by supporting clean energy and financing innovative green solutions. Our passion and care for the climate are engraved in our philosophy and work ethic. New technical developments such as the upgrades of blockchain platforms such as Ethereum provide low-gas transaction solutions that are environmentally friendly and CO2 neutral.

The Modules

It's all interconnected


This module aims for listing green technologies, innovative startups and other sustainable projects to have a niche on our platform where people can present their ideas and get in contact with possible investors and future customers.


real estate

INNOU R.E.T. is a FinTech Platform that leverages blockchain technology to enable the issuance & distribution of tokenized securities backed by Real Estate. We bring Innovation to investing in real estate by deployment of bespoke FinTech solutions combined with elite due diligence, business acumen and financial solutions. Through the use of DLT, we increase efficiency in fractional ownership, lower the barriers of entry to investment, and unlock liquidity in Real Estate Assets.


daily post

A global digital newspaper, which will contain the work of our community and gets edited through INNOU, our partners and patrons. Opinionated voices and elaborated thoughts brought to you on daily basis. Curated fort he hungry and curious minds.



With the rise of NFTs and the shift in Digital Art market we are building together the future platforms for Digital Art colelction and sell, new installations and multi-media projects together with our partners and institutions from Art and Sci-fi Industry.



The core tool of the complete ecosystem is innou token. With innou token each user can connect with all the modules in our platform and use it for financial retreat. Our purpose is to create opportunities of token utilization in everyday lives and encourage the empowerment of a wide global market. For further details for INNOU Token, Smart Contract and Pre-ICO and ICO formula please contact us directly.



Innovative technologies of water purification and logistics.


think tank

INNOU is a global Think Tank specializing in Technology, Finance, Real Estate and Energy. Operating alongside strategic partners, worldwide, we help solve problems with innovative solutions. We deploy cutting edge digital technologies to tailor optimal digitally structured finance solutions through the use of Blockchain.

Our Company

Meet our lovely team


Our remote team is internationally active and multi-culturally diverse. Our combined experience counts more than 70 years of professional work in the field of Multimedia, Information and Technology and Blockchain and Smart contract Programming.

How we started

Innou was established in 2018 in Vienna. Our very first project together was blockchain gaming and crowdfunding. Currently, our focus lies in digitalizing real estate assets, NFTs, EPIs and decentralized finance solutions. For more information, feel free to get in touch with us!

Meet the innou team:




Roman Wiehart was born in 1965 in Vienna. He left his birth city at the age of 11 travelling to Tehran. After high school and military service in Austria he entered to ORF, the first and the biggest television channel in Austria where he has been working for 35 years. Throughout period of time, his professional experience encompasses different work level from lightning, sound recording, camera assistance, various commercial, short and longer productions of which 100 days a year live satellite production. He has covered the biggest live events for the Austrian Television including the live recording of ‘Fomula 1’ , the ‘Olympics’, Opera etc. Together with his wife, Roman has finance and built ‘The New Sauraha Day Care Sanstha’ in Nepal, now directed by Binu Magar.



Michael has a distinguished background of studies and experience in the field of financial expertise. He studiedMoscow Inst. Of Technology for Applied Mathematics.He also pursued his MBA (Finance) at Russian Economics Academy, Advanced Finance studies with summa cum laude from Harvard University/REA and later on Post-graduate studies on Corporate Law at Moscow State Law Academy (2010-2013).Youngest MBA in the CIS, youngest Certified Public Auditor in the CIS. 25 years of continuous CFO tenure in a number of multinationals. Leading teams in 3 successful IPOs, numerous private placements and external financing for over USD 13 bln. Friend of elves. Rather feels himself a citizen of the Earth, and the Universe. Non progredi regredi est. Move on!



Aerospace engineer and financial manager by education, startuper and builder projects from scratch by vocation, software systems developer by passion.In love with FinTech, Blockchain and snowboarding. 25+ years of experience in hands-on software development, project management, financial engineering, accounting. Including but not limited by: Ethereum smart contracts development, Moving micro services to Kubernetes, Punching cards and tapes for mainframes, Brewing Chezh beer, Making Danish steel, Milling Russian wheat, Exploring Ural geological resources, Launching a Danish bank foreing brunch.



Anyla Berisha is University Assistant and Deputy Head at the Institut for Buildings and Energy. She is currently pursuing her PhD on ‘Peer-toPeer Energy Systems in Smart Neighborhoods, a case of Vienna’ and she assists in Master and Bachelor level courses at IGE.

She has a degree in Architecture and Spatial Planning at University for Business and Technology in Prishtina. In 2017, together with Stefanie Fridrik she created the ‘Sonique Perception’, an Audio-guide platform that explores the full potential of bringing together musicians and visual artists while escaping the boundaries of conventional art education.

One year later she co-founded innou.io, a Blockchain Media Company in Vienna which was the first step toward discovering applications of innovative technology in Architecture, Construction and Energy Industry. Her research focus remains ‘The Energy Internet’.



Fatos Maxhuni is an Information Systems (IS) expert with over 20 years of professional experience in managing the full lifecycle of system development and implementation - from identification of user requirements, through design, development and testing, to rollout and support of new software systems. In addition to his software system delivery projects, he has extensive experience in providing academic training at university level having been lecturing on Computer Programming and Databases for over 15 years. Fatos holds an MSc in Distributed and Multimedia Information Systems from Heriot-Watt University as well as a BSc in Computer Science from QMW University of London.



Senior Operations Engineer

Agron Ferizi is an ICT and Information security specialist with more than 15 years of experience in Project Management, ICT and Security systems and IT Auditing. Agron is experienced in providing technical solutions to large scale private and public institutions and is experienced in working with EU and regional companies in the field of critical infrastructure and in compliance with ETSI and ISO standards. In addition to his technical experience, he has experience in academic teaching and training. Agron holds BSc in Computer Science from University of Prishtina.


Senior Operations Engineer

A senior software developer, with over 10 years of experience in Java & JavaEE. His experience is mostly linked with backend development, data structures and data modelling; ETL tools, workflow design and API for legacy systems. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science.



Hello! My name is Mary and I am a storyteller Being a senior student at Chonnam National University and majoring in graphic design by day, at night I become a huge animation lover and work on my personal projects searching for stories to tell. I like to create stories that immerse viewers in other worlds, help them to become a different person for a while and leave a comforting, heart-warming aftertaste.


Software Developer & Designer

A jack of many trades, master of some. I embody art and technology, where I'm equally equipped to do front-end development as wel as ux/ui design and illustration work. I’ve studied at the Graphic Lyceum, High School of Arts and the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in the Netherlands. Throughout the years I’ve worked for a wide range of companies and clients, picking up multiple creative and technical disciplines along the way.


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